Phylum Cnidaria

Binomial Nomenclature

what we call things in nature

isn’t conjecture

and the laws of zoological disposition


that living things are each unique in appellation

because man-o-wars are not men-of-war:

Oft called jellyfish, they’re actually siphonophore

the aggregate of many nectophores

carnivores in the Kingdom of Animalia

where to file ‘em among phyla

‘twixt Xenoturbellida and Acanthocephala?

More than a sponge, less than bilateria

known for cnida and the stinging cnidoblast,

ptychocysts and spirocysts hold their food fast

below a kingdom but above its class,

file ‘em, nigh, Daria.

Eleven thousand species, none among them zoonotic

colonial, zooidal, aquatic,

and those “flower animals”?


Sea anemone. Not an enemy.

They’re corals, our friends, like seafans and sea pens.

Sessile. Stalkless. Attached and attaching

a chorus of colors where the sea is euphotic.

Zooxanthellae emblazon the coral reef

with Paracanthurus and Amphiprioninae

(that’s hippo tang and clown fish)

but from these sea enemies they must flee:

Chironex Yamaguchii and the newest, Malo Kingi.

Beware box jellyfish! They don’t box. They’ve a venomous sting.

Cubazoa with nematocysts will take Nemo down. 

These jellies are not cute, they’re recidivists.

Such deadly foes owe another, gentler class,

for their phylum’s reputed mystery, grandeur, and allure.

When Scyphozoa amass

like floating globules of glass

that metamorphose from gelatinous cocoon 

to transparent balloon— 

These are the graceful, peaceful jellyfish.

No bones, no heart, no brains needed to swim.

Who needs a head when you can bloom

and the moon

jellyfish regenerates its limbs?

The only freshwater Cnidarians

are immortal aquarians.

In the Charles River, Mystic Lake or Walden Pond,

the mystical Hydrozoa need no magic wand

to conjure body parts—

a lost head or a broken heart

won’t make it stop.

It’s only when the last water drop 

evaporates from the dish

that these ageless polyps perish.

Adreporaria, Antipatharia 

are a mere few among seafaring Cnidaria 

unseen, unheard, uncanny

in diversity and prolific population.

So much more than a classification:

(a man o’war isn’t a jellyfish, isn’t made of jelly, isn’t a fish)

a nickname isn’t the same 

as a given name—given 

to every living creature

each with its place in the family tree.

In our planet Earth’s vast ecosystem, 

like Medusa, Obelia and Aurelia,

vital, distinctive and unique,

we are multitudes. 

Incalculable, innumerable, 

we are each

creatures of creation

named, known 







Sophie Laurence

Inspired by the scientific interests of Jason Samaroo, a Cellular and Molecular Biologist at Boston University, this poem, “Phylum Cnidaria,” is intended to introduce biological nomenclature and classification about this group of organisms in plain English.