The Poetry of Science is a multimodal project from co-creators Joshua Sariñana, PhD and Linsey Jayne, MFA. Using a grant from the Cambridge Arts Council, they brought together artists, poets, and people of color in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The focus of the project was to normalize people of color in these spaces, explore their experiences, and to inspire the next generation of people of color in STEM.

Black History Month Panel by The Peoples’s heART

The connections between art and technology, however, are not always obvious — a gap that the Poetry of Science public art installation in Cambridge, MA, set out to fill. A collaboration between the Cambridge Arts Council and the People’s heArt Project, the project paired scientists of colour at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with local poets of colour. The aim: to create “positive associations between people of color, the arts, the sciences, how nature is perceived, and what it means to generate knowledge.” - December 8, 2021

News & Media

Below is a collection of news articles, blog posts, and media featuring The Poetry of Science.

Black History Month Panel (Hosted by The Peoples’s heART) - February 23, 2022

AI has a Bias Problem. Could Art be the Solution? - December 8, 2021

Makinde Ogunnaike and Josh Sariñana talked about how they turn physics and neuroscience into art and poetry (WGBH Interview) - December 3, 2021

The poetry of physics - November 16, 2021

3 Questions: Maaya Prasad and Kathleen Esfahany on Vision, Perception, and the Poetry of Science - November 3, 2021

Joshua Sariñana (PhD ‘11) Believes in The Poetry of Science - October 19, 2021

What Does Neuroscience-Inspired Art Look and Feel Like? - October 19, 2021

Histories of the Body in Art, Science, and Society (Event)

The Poetry of Science and The Peoples’ heART: Connecting Poetry and Science with Health Care and Social Justice - October 7, 2021

3 Questions: Sheena Vasquez and Christian Loyo on communicating science through poetry - October 5, 2021

The Poetry of Science project highlights two Media Lab students - August 31, 2021

Racial Justice Through the Lens of Science, Poetry, and Photography - August 19, 2021


Poetry Meets Science at BBF’s Lit Crawl 2021 - May 12, 2021

Art project will pair poets and scientists of color, post and publish, but first it must find its poets - March 14, 2021

Cambridge artists awarded $5K to create art for racial justice - March 3, 2021

$45,000 In Art For Racial Justice Grants Announced By Cambridge Arts - February 10, 2021