Guidelines for Scientists

  • Provide a biographical sketch. Include a statement outlining your motivations for entering science. This section can include where you were born, where you grew up, experiences that impacted your decision to enter the sciences, and key career milestones or academic accomplishments. Please limit your answer to 350 words.

  • Write a lay summary of your research or research interests. For graduate students, postdocs, and faculty members, provide a research summary that can be used by your potential poet collaborator. For undergraduate students, summarize your research interests. Please limit your answer to 250 words.

  • Explain why you want to take part in The Poetry of Science given the statement below. Please limit your answer to 150 words. 

The Poetry of Science counters the negative associations handed down by systemic racism by creating new and positive associations between people of color (POC), the arts, the sciences, how nature is perceived, and what it means to generate knowledge. In this context, POC offer new ways to understand and create novel realities to resist systems of oppression.

  • We will not consider submissions sent via email or post. Only work sent via our submission manager will be reviewed

  • The submission deadline has been extended to 11:59 pm EST on May 1, 2021. All entrants will be notified of the final decision on their during the first week of May

  • Please contact us if you have trouble navigating the submission manager

Guidelines for Poets

PLEASE NOTE: Submissions for poetry are now closed.


  • Blind submissions only, please. Any submission received that includes identifying personal information in the attached document will be temporarily rejected with a request to resubmit blindly. We believe in reading work with integrity and impartiality and blind submissions are beneficial to both the writers and editors

  • Please include only one document in your entry. You may send three to five poems; however, we ask that you submit them as multiple pieces in one document

  • Please only submit original poetry. This project will require you to create two new, original poems. As such, we accept submissions that contain previously published work as an example of your voice and style. Please indicate which of your poems (if any) have been published in your cover letter. Published work will be archived online, and after publication all rights will revert back to you

  • Poets will submit previously written poetry to this call. Submissions do not have to explicitly be written about science. All poetry is acceptable, except for concrete (shape) poetry.

  • We will not consider submissions sent via email or post. Only work sent via our submission manager will be reviewed

  • Submissions are due by 11:59 pm ET on April 4, 2021. All entrants will be notified of the final decision on their work prior to May 1

  • Please contact us if you have trouble navigating the submission manager